Marilyn Manson is a singer, songwriter, actor, writer, painter and film director, known for his controversial personality and image as a vocalist and leader of the industrial metal band Marilyn Manson.

Marilyn Manson, myths, gothic rock, Rock, punk, industrial, biography, biography, thrash metal,
Our teens witnessed the legend arose about Marilyn Manson. Younger were frightened him and hid young people to listen, because older saw him as an envoy of evil.
Our teens witnessed the legend arose about Marilyn Manson. Younger were frightened him and hid young people to listen, because older saw him as an envoy of evil.
Only at this point when we know the word Marketing it is when Marilyn and understand their eccentricities, which earned him true urban legends. This is the Top 5:
1. Marilyn Manson is the same guy who played Paul Pfeiffer in "The Wonder Years" (rumor classic among classics!) Series.
Marilyn Manson, myths, gothic rock, Rock, punk, industrial, biography, biography, thrash metal,
2. Marilyn Manson ribs to "autofelarse" was removed.
3. During a concert, Marilyn Manson threw a puppy to the public and said he would not start playing until the audience can kill the poor.
4. Marilyn Manson underwent surgery to implant breasts and removed the penis.
5. Marilyn Manson is the same guy who played the role of Kevin in "Mr. Belvedere".
Of course, Latino artists with their own urban legends are less fun, count to Pedro Infante, El Santo or Andrés García.
Educated at Christian Heritage School and the Oak Glen Public School, then she studied journalism and drama at Broward Community College. At eighteen, when the family moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, he began the special pilgrimage that took him from New Orleans to California and there to reside in the house which was the most famous victim of Manson, actress Sharon Tate.
Manson had drunk from adolescence so plethoric provocative as Kiss, David Bowie, Black Sabbath, Adam Ant, sources Ronnie James Dio, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Alice Cooper or AC / DC. By then, though dreamed of becoming televangelist, his satanic and provocative look and mastery of several instruments (drums, guitar, flute, clarinet) pointed to any vehicle of expression chord, and metal band seemed most appropriate.
So formations passed into history as Satan on Fire, Mrs. Manson & Twiggy or Scabtree to found Daisy Berkowitz with Marilyn Manson on lead vocals, the group that led him to fame. In 1989, Warner took the name Marilyn Manson and along with Daisy Berkowitz, Madonna Wayne Gacy and Olivia Newton Bundy (all men despite their feminine artistic names, formed from the merger of the name of a famous star and last name a psychopath) decided to create, with the support of a drum machine, Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids group.
From the beginning, his sexually ambiguous aesthetic, which connected them to their idols glam rock was his hallmark. That and, of course, music born of his passion for artists as diverse as David Bowie, Bauhaus, Black Sabbath or Nine Inch Nails. That is, a hybrid of after-punk, glam, heavy metal in their satanic side and industrial rock, all served with texts and start studiously provocative scene.
2009 the high end of low
tours !!
Year Album Tour
1989 1993 The Spooky Kids Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids
1994 1995 Portrait of an American Family Portrait of an American Family
1995 Smells Like Children Smells Like Children Dead to the World
1996 1997 Antichrist Superstar
1998 1999 Rock is dead / Mechanical Animals / God is in the TV Mechanical Animals
2000 2002 Guns, God and Government Holy Wood
2002 2004 Grotesk Burlesk The Golden Age of Grotesque
2004 2006 Against All Gods Lest We Forget
2007 2008 Rape of the World Eat Me, Drink Me
2009 2010 'Etcetera Tour. The high end of low
Controversial and whatnot.
foreign objects. Former Manson keyboardist group said the flamboyant singer had acquired Nazi memorabilia, a mask of human skin and skeleton of a child.
I think this should be reported to me that hell is wrong with you and this guy ??
The controversial American rock singer Marilyn Manson was accused by a former member of his band of buying Nazi memorabilia with money from the group, according to the Internet portal
Among other objects, Manson, 38, would have made with typewriters SS closet hangers Adolf Hitler and a bag of his wife, Eva Braun.
Stephen Gregory Bier, who played keyboards in the group of Manson sued in Los Angeles for the singer have mixed their money with the income of the band and have thus broken a partnership agreement they had. According to Bier, because of the costs of the singer, he would have lost about 20 million dollars.
Marilyn Manson, founder of a group that bears his stage name, but I called Brian Hugh Warner actually, have also bought, according to Bier, an African mask made of human skin and skeleton of a Chinese girl of four years.
The singer of hits like "The beautiful people" also would have used the money from the band to finance their drug use. Manson spokesman declined to comment on the matter.
Marilyn Manson strikes again in his last interview with the British newspaper 'The Guardian'. In it, the harder rock guru Michael Jackson lashes out and praises the president of his country, George Bush. Unheard of.
Manson, accused many times of being a bad influence on American teenagers, not cut ". I have a skeleton child But Michael Jackson and I are a little bit different," said the rock star journalist for The Guardian and, He continues, "it seems as if trying to beat me." This is the particular vision of Marilyn Manson on the child abuse scandal in which Michael Jackson has been involved in recent weeks.
Although, as usual in him, he spoke not only about music. The crisis of the traditional family, religion and politics were among the topics discussed by the original "mass philosopher." It is not considered a supporter of the Iraq war or against it, but says that "try to make songs about peace, if that's what we defend."
Surprisingly, the current president Bush prefers that the former, Clinton. has no shortage of reasons since before Al-Quaeda to blame for all the ills of the Americans was Manson. The reason, according to the star, is that "there was a total lack of evil in the Clinton era" while "Americans now have so many things that can hate, they are not even sure hate Bush".
Nuestra adolescencia fue testigo de la leyenda que se levantó alrededor de Marilyn Manson. Los más pequeños se asustaban con él y los jóvenes se escondían para escucharlo, porque los mayores lo veían como un enviado del mal.
Sólo a estas alturas cuando conocemos la palabra Marketing es cuando comprendemos a Marilyn y a sus excentricidades, que le valieron verdaderas leyendas urbanas. Este es el Top 5:
1. Marilyn Manson es el mismo tipo que hacía el papel de Paul Pfeiffer en la serie “Los Años Maravillosos” (¡rumor clásico entre los clásicos!).
2. Marilyn Manson se extirpó las costillas para poder “autofelarse”.
3. Durante un concierto, Marilyn Manson arrojó un cachorro al público y dijo que no empezaría a tocar sino hasta que los asistentes mataran al pobre can.
4. Marilyn Manson se sometió a una cirugía para implantarse senos y extirparse el pene.
5. Marilyn Manson es el mismo tipo que hizo el papel de Kevin en “Mr. Belvedere”.
Desde luego, los artistas latinos con leyendas urbanas propias son menos divertidos, cuenten a Pedro Infante, El Santo o Andrés García.
Educado en la Heritage Christian School y en la Glen Oak Public School, estudió después periodismo y arte dramático en el Broward Community College. A los dieciocho años, cuando la familia se mudó a Ft. Lauderdale, en Florida, inició el particular peregrinaje que lo llevó de Nueva Orleans a California y allí a residir en la casa de la que fuera la víctima más famosa de Manson, la actriz Sharon Tate.
Manson había bebido desde la adolescencia de fuentes tan pletóricas de provocación como Kiss, David Bowie, Black Sabbath, Adam Ant, Ronnie James Dio, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Alice Cooper o AC/DC. Por entonces, si bien soñaba con convertirse en telepredicador, su look satánico y provocador y su dominio de varios instrumentos (batería, guitarra, flauta, clarinete) apuntaban hacia cualquier vehículo de expresión acorde, y una banda metal parecía lo más adecuado.
Así pasaron a la historia formaciones como Satan on Fire, Manson & Twiggy o Mrs. Scabtree hasta fundar con Daisy Berkowitz como principal vocalista Marilyn Manson, el grupo que lo llevó a la fama. En 1989, Warner adoptó el nombre de Marilyn Manson y, junto a Daisy Berkowitz, Madonna Wayne Gacy y Olivia Newton Bundy (todos ellos varones a pesar de sus nombres artísticos femeninos, formados de la fusión del nombre de una estrella famosa y el apellido de un psicópata) decidieron crear, con el apoyo de una caja de ritmos, el grupo Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids.
Desde el comienzo, su estética sexualmente ambigua, que les conectó a sus ídolos del glam rock, fue su principal seña de identidad. Eso y, lógicamente, una música surgida de su pasión por artistas tan diversos como David Bowie, Bauhaus, Black Sabbath o Nine Inch Nails. Es decir, un híbrido de after-punk, glam, heavy metal en su vertiente satánica y rock industrial, todo ello servido con unos textos y una puesta en escena estudiadamente provocativos.
Of 2009 The High End Of Low
tours !!
Year Tour Álbum
1989- 1993 The Spooky Kids Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids
1994- 1995 Portrait of an American Family Portrait of an American Family
1995 Smells Like Children Smells Like Children
1996- 1997 Dead to the World Antichrist Superstar
1998- 1999 Rock is dead/ Mechanical Animals / God is in the Tv Mechanical Animals
2000- 2002 Guns, God and Government Holy Wood
2002- 2004 Grotesk Burlesk The Golden Age of Grotesque
2004- 2006 Against All Gods Lest We Forget
2007- 2008 Rape of the World Eat Me, Drink Me
2009- 2010 ‘ Etcetera Tour’. The High End Of Low
Unas polémicas Y OTRAS COSAS.
Objetos extraños. El ex tecladista del grupo de Manson dijo que el extravagante cantante había adquirido objetos nazis, una máscara de piel humana y el esqueleto de una niña.
Me parece que esto deberia de se denunciado, que diablos le pasa e este sujeto??
El polémico cantante de rock estadounidense Marilyn Manson fue acusado por un antiguo miembro de su banda de comprar objetos nazis con dinero del grupo, según informó el portal de Internet
Entre otros objetos, Manson, de 38 años, se habría hecho con máquinas de escribir de las SS, perchas del armario de Adolf Hitler y un bolso de su esposa, Eva Braun.
Stephen Gregory Bier, quien tocaba el teclado en el grupo de Manson, demandó en Los Ángeles al cantante por haber mezclado su dinero con los ingresos de la banda y haber roto así un acuerdo de asociación que tenían. Según Bier, a causa de los gastos del cantante, él habría perdido unos 20 millones de dólares.
Marilyn Manson, fundador de un grupo que lleva su nombre artístico, pero que se llama en realidad Brian Hugh Warner, habría comprado además, según Bier, una máscara africana hecha con piel humana y el esqueleto de una niña china de cuatro años.
El cantante de éxitos como “The beautiful people” también habría utilizado el dinero de la banda para financiar su consumo de drogas. El portavoz de Manson no quiso hacer ningún comentario sobre este asunto.
Marilyn Manson vuelve a sorprendernos en su última entrevista concedida al diario inglés 'The Guardian'. En ella el gurú del rock más duro arremete contra Michael Jackson y alaba al presidente de su país, George Bush. Lo nunca visto.
Manson, acusado en numerosas ocasiones de ser una mala influencia para los adolescentes norteamericanos, no se corta: "Tengo un esqueleto de niño. Pero Michael Jackson y yo somos un poquito diferentes", declaró la estrella del rock al periodista de The Guardian y, prosigue: "parece como si estuviera intentando superarme". Esta es la particular visión de Marilyn Manson sobre el escándalo de abuso de menores en el que Michael Jackson se ha visto envuelto en las últimas semanas.
Aunque, como ya es habitual en él, no habló sólo sobre música. La crisis de la familia tradicional, la religión y la política fueron algunos de los temas analizados por este original "filósofo de masas". No se considera partidario de la Guerra de Irak ni en su contra, aunque declara que "intentaría hacer canciones sobre la paz, si eso es lo que defendiera".
Sorprendentemente, prefiere al actual presidente Bush que al anterior, Clinton. No le faltan razones, ya que, antes de a Al-Quaeda el culpable de todos los males de los americanos era Manson. La razón, según la estrella, es que "habia una falta total de malos en la época de Clinton" mientras que ‘ahora los americanos tienen tantas cosas a las que pueden odiar, que ni siquiera están seguros de odiar a Bush".
Marilyn Manson, myths, gothic rock, Rock, punk, industrial, biography, biography, thrash metal,
Marilyn Manson, myths, gothic rock, Rock, punk, industrial, biography, biography, thrash metal,
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